
Namaste Care

Namaste Care Online 3-Day Training Programme

Tuesday 8th April 2025
Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Thursday 8th May 2025

This online training in the principles and practices of Namaste Care will give you practical ways to comfort and connect with people living and dying with advanced and end stage dementia.  

Blue Separator
Namaste Care

Feedback from previous participants

Find out more about Namaste Care by clicking the button below. The Namaste Care programme was originally developed for people with advanced and end-stage dementia. It can be adapted for anyone with advanced and end stage disease and can be easily be transferred to the bedside. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with either: or 

Find out what other thought of the Namaste Care programme below - 

Blue Separator

Namaste Care - Seeing is Believing

This is a film made by Sean Macreavy Media for the Association of Dementia Studies to promote the incredible and ground-breaking Namaste Care, created by Joyce Simard for people living with advanced dementia.

More information

Cost: £175 per person or £275 for two people

This course is restricted to 24 people.

Namaste CareTM training teaches staff techniques to maximise comfort and connection through the senses, intentional presence, enhancing the physical environment and thinking and planning ahead. This is vitally important, particularly during the ongoing pandemic when restrictions have continued to negatively impact residents, families, and staff.

All previous participants from this innovating and exciting course agreed that Namaste CareTM would benefit residents in their care homes. And, all participants would recommend this online training to a colleague, as it gave them practical ways of reaching residents they had previously struggled to comfort or connect with.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with either: or