The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice offers specialist palliative care for patients with advanced and life-limiting illness. The services at the hospice are available to those individuals aged 16 years and over with complex problems associated with a life-limiting or life-shortening illness, and where a progressive decline is evident.
A range of services are available, as described in our Access Referrals and Admissions policy. These are:
multidisciplinary inpatient care (16 beds);
community based palliative care services delivered by a multidisciplinary community team; and
a family support service and outpatient services comprised of day services, outpatient clinics and specific programmes of care.
Referrals are accepted from hospital consultants and GPs. Health and social care professionals can also make referrals with the consent of the doctor who is managing the care of the patient.
Referrals by GPs and district nurses
GPs and district nurses are encouraged to refer electronically via SCI Gateway by selecting ‘Palliative Care Services GG&C’ on the referral destination and following the step-by-step prompts thereafter in the ‘palliative services’ and ‘clinical data’ tabs.
Referral guidance for palliative care services can be download here.
If SCI Gateway cannot be used, please follow the instructions below.
Acute sector and all other referrers
When available referrals from the acute sector should also be via SCI Gateway. See above for instructions. If SCI Gateway cannot be used, please complete our referral form which can be downloaded here.
The Clinical Admin team can help you with this form during office hours. Please contact them on 0141 429 9823.
Please submit the referral forms to
Wherever possible use a secure email, for example
Postal referrals should be avoided so referrals are triaged as quickly as possible and patient sensitive information is shared in accordance with Caldicott guidelines.
Urgent referrals
Urgent referrals can be made by telephone. Please ensure you have immediate access to the patient’s record.
Office number: 0141 429 9823
Out of office number: 0141 420 6785
These calls will be referred to medical staff for a decision. It must be followed up with a completed referral form as soon as possible using the recommended routes.