Chaplaincy & spiritual support
Our Chaplain provides spiritual, religious and psychological support to patients and their families at any point of the illness journey and beyond into bereavement. These services are available to people of faith and no faith.
When facing the emotional difficulties of serious illness, we are available to listen, guide and support. Our chaplain, The Reverend Leslie Edge, and his team are there for patients, families, carers and friends. Leslie is on the wards and in the day unit on a daily basis during the week to provide spiritual, religious and psychological support. He works closely with faith leaders from across the Glasgow community to act as a link to faith and belief groups, and can arrange for one of them to visit with you at your request.
We also arrange at your request Communion, Holy Communion, or relevant Sacraments, and hold non-denominational services and remembrance services for loved ones throughout the year. We have a dedicated prayer room available for those who wish to use it. More information about our chaplaincy and spiritual support service is available here. If you would like to speak to Leslie or a member of his team please contact us.