Light up a Life

Light Up A Life
Here at The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice, we know that Christmas can be a time for togetherness which can be difficult time if you have lost a loved one, or if you cannot be with someone you love. Our Light up a Life appeal gives you the opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one by dedicating a light or lights on our Christmas tree in December.
Each year we invite people to remember the life of someone special to them by dedicating a light in their memory. Every light that shines out from our Christmas tree is a heartfelt tribute to those who are missed but definitely not forgotten. Seeing it adorned with hundreds of lights and knowing that each light is dedicated to someone has such a special meaning.
Our Light up a Life events are a chance to come together and remember friends and family who are no longer with us. Please contact the fundraising team on 0141 429 5599 or email for more information, or to be added to the Light up a Life mailing list.