The art room
“Developing my own art practice has opened up a whole new world for me to look forward to. It means so much just to be able to do something normal and it has really helped me to build up confidence.” patient
The Creative Arts Service is offered by the hospice to ensure that people can engage in a meaningful activity that can enhance a sense of wellbeing during an anxious and challenging time in their lives. The art room provides a supportive environment where people can express themselves and develop their own creativity over time.
For some the art room experience can be a relaxing and absorbing activity, for others it presents positive challenges. Certainly, for most it is a chance to engage with a significant and life-enriching activity that can connect them to a sense of self and offer opportunities to develop new and exciting ways of seeing.

Our approach is centred on the process of mark-making, giving voice to words and ideas, experimentation, and discovery.
We strive to support people by offering choices, a sense of control and autonomy to regain independence in their lives, often taken away by illness, disability, or caring responsibilities.
Everyone is welcome, whether you have previous experience in art making or not. We believe that we all have the capacity to be creative, and that each person makes art in their own way.
Our dedicated and experienced team of artists will work with you to encourage and support this personal creative journey.
What we offer
- Patient and carer art sessions (individual projects undertaken within a group)
- Patient and carer art sessions at the Living Well Hub
- One-to-one art sessions as required
- Private family art sessions can be arranged by appointment
- Creative sensory sessions for young people who have complex neurological conditions
- Pre- and post-bereavement work with children and young people in collaboration with Family Support
- Creative sessions via Zoom or telephone
Sessions take place Monday - Friday each week. You can access sessions while at the Living Well Hub, while staying in the inpatient unit (art sessions can take place at the bedside if required) or as an outpatient (appointments can be made in advance with the art staff).
How to be referred
To be referred to the art room you must be a patient at the hospice. Please ask to be referred by the person in charge of your care.
What happens while I am there?
Sessions focus on the creative process itself and participants are supported to experiment and explore the art making process while working at their own pace.
Art making can take many forms and the art staff will work with you to tailor an approach that feels right for you.
We do not offer art therapy (psychotherapy using art methods) and it is not our intention to analyse or explore issues raised by the creative process.