Hospice Community Team
Our Hospice Community Team visit patients, their families and carers in the comfort of their own home. The team is led by Clinical Nurse Specialists with support from a Hospice Consultant and other members of the team. They work alongside your GP, District Nurse and other community providers to support you at home.
The team provide a high standard of care for you and your family to help you adjust to the changes in lifestyle caused by your illness. They can:
Offer advice and support on managing your symptoms, including pain control.
Provide emotional and spiritual support.
Signpost you to specialist financial advice.
Help you access practical support with personal care, household chores, shopping and more.
Arrange for other home-based hospice services, such as counselling, physiotherapy or occupational therapy.
The Clinical Nurse Specialist will undertake a full assessment of your needs and will keep in touch with you for as long as you require their input. They can also ask the Hospice Consultant, Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist to visit you at home or link you to one of the other hospice services.
Important numbers for you:
Hospice 24-hour helpline: 0141 420 6785
Clinical Nurse Specialist (weekend and public holidays 9am till 5pm): 07736 821 97
What is the difference between the Clinical Nurse Specialists and Macmillan nurses?
They have a very similar role. There are no Macmillan nurses operating in the community within the area that we serve. Marie Curie nurses provide practical nursing care to patients with cancer enabling them to stay at home where possible. The Clinical Nurse Specialists are registered specialist nurses in palliative care. They offer advice and support to patients and their families helping to adjust to the changes which illness can bring.