Peer mentoring
Experiencing a bereavement is one of this most difficult things any of us will ever do. But experiencing it as a young person can be especially hard. Approximately 111 children and young people are bereaved of a parent everyday in the UK. They can feel increasingly isolated and rarely share with their peers the impact of their bereavement.
To help address this, The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice Family Support Service consulted with bereaved young people on what they thought would help them most during such an emotional time.
The Peer Mentor Service involves young people, who have experienced bereavement and who have been through appropriate training, mentoring newly bereaved young people in a structured and supportive process. The mentorship lasts for one year and the goal is to build confidence, self-esteem, and resilience.
If you would like to know more about the Peer Mentoring Service, please get in touch with our Family Support Service by emailing