Lorna Reid
Lead for Collaborative Training & Education
In 2020 Lorna was delighted to be appointed as Lead for Collaborative Training and Education at PPWH. She has a longstanding interest in care of older adults, and she practiced nursing for five years in the care home sector before moving to ACCORD Hospice, Paisley where she worked for 23 years in a variety of roles – including education and facilitation. She is passionate about finding innovative ways to ease stress and distress and make meaningful connections so people can flourish.
Since 2010 Lorna has championed Namaste Care and Namaste Care Training in Scotland. Namaste Care is a creative, mindful, person-centred approach for people with end-stage dementia and at risk of disconnection. Research suggests it can: empower staff and families with new ways of relating to people with dementia; improve quality of life, interactions, and interest in surroundings; and reduce agitation.

Lorna was awarded a PhD in 2017 for a piece of original research using Institutional Ethnography. This research carefully mapped the institutional processes that (dis)organised care for people living and dying in residential care homes in a way that care home staff described as being ‘abandoned’ by the wider system.
Lorna is a communication skills trainer who has facilitated on foundation, intermediate and advanced communication skills training courses. Lorna is a trained mindfulness facilitator who has taken a range of courses in mindful listening and mindful coaching with Tamsin Hartley, author and creator of the Listening Space and Coming to Calm processes. She is also a facilitator for the EASE (End of Life Aid for All) course and a key member of the Project ECHO team at PPHW. Project ECHO leverages videoconferencing technology to share knowledge and expertise with and between our health and social care partners.